Cash Based Revenue
Improve your pharmacy profit and cash flow by increasing your cash-based revenue. With so many gurus out there that always seem to give conflicting and confusing information, we at DiversifyRx are known for keeping it simple. Since we have worked with thousands of pharmacies over our career, we noticed a handful of common areas pharmacy […]
Selling Delta 8 For Increased Pharmacy Profit
By Dr. Lisa Faast | | Cash Based Revenue
Selling Delta 8 in the pharmacy can help increase your revenue, profits, and cash. Interest in CBD products is rising, and customers are looking for somewhere reputable to buy CBD, CBN, and Delta 8 products. I am personally a fan of pharmacies selling CBD-related products because, after all, we are the drug experts! You have […]
6 Pillars of Pharmacy Profit – Top 2021
By Dr. Lisa Faast | | Cash Based Revenue, KPI Optimization, Marketing, Non-PBM Revenue, PBM Optimization, Team Development
Having a thriving, successful pharmacy means you need to take an active approach to your pharmacy profit. Being average will not keep you in business – that’s what I always say. You need to be awesome! To succeed in the pharmacy world, you are continuously implementing new ways of doing things, and with the ever-changing […]
Pharmacy Point of Care Testing in 2022
By Dr. Lisa Faast | | Cash Based Revenue, Non-PBM Revenue
Point of care testing (POCT) is a perfect additional revenue stream for all retail pharmacies. Let’s take a look at POCT for 2022. Boosting Cash-Based Revenues POCT for pharmacies took a giant leap forward during the pandemic. With HHS’ massive scope expansion for pharmacists to help with COVID leading the way, many pharmacies are now […]
New Year’s Weight Loss Pharmacy Growth Strategies
By Dr. Lisa Faast | | Cash Based Revenue, Marketing, Non-PBM Revenue
Don’t leave money on the table by ignoring your patients’ resolutions for New Year’s weight loss. We are 35 days away from January 1st. I will wait while you pick your jaw up and catch your breath. Yep, it is coming fast. The wintertime has seemingly gone by quickly with testing, vaccines, Medicare plan optimization, […]
NCPA 2021 Exhibitor Recap
By Dr. Lisa Faast | | Cash Based Revenue, Non-PBM Revenue, PBM Optimization
You shouldn’t do it alone, so why try? Learn about some of the great companies at NCPA 2021 and how they can help you reach your pharmacy goals. The NCPA 2021 convention was in Charlotte, NC, and it packed a punch of awesomeness. First of all, it was wonderful it was to see so many […]
Pet Medication Cash Based Revenue
By Dr. Lisa Faast | | Cash Based Revenue
Pet medication is now easier than ever to fill for your patients. Have you ever wondered how you can get in on the 10 billion dollar pet medication industry? As a compounding pharmacy, I naturally filled the custom medications for vets. Those compounds, while profitable, are a small piece of the pie that exists for […]
Monetize Your Pharmacy Data
By Dr. Lisa Faast | | Cash Based Revenue, PBM Optimization
Everyone else is monetizing your pharmacy’s data; shouldn’t you be too? The pharmacy data that independent pharmacies create daily is worth millions. Yet, pharmacy owners never see any of that money. Everyone else that collects and uses your pharmacy’s generated data sells it. What’s crazy is you even pay to send these companies your data, […]
6 Supplements That Will Make Your Pharmacy Revenue Soar
By Dr. Lisa Faast | | Cash Based Revenue
Take back control of your pharmacy’s profits with these clinically impactful supplements. As I have been up to my eyeballs in Pharmacy Profit Summit prep for the past few weeks, a few critical themes have continued to pop up. Pharmacy owners are eager to decrease the PBMs’ influence on their business, increase the control of […]
Increase CBD Sales
By Dr. Lisa Faast | | Cash Based Revenue
CBD sales are driving many pharmacies’ profits. Here are some tips to help increase your CBD sales. CBD seems pretty ubiquitous nowadays. And you might be thinking the market is saturated. However, that is not the case. I speak with pharmacies every week that are not carrying CBD or carry it and just not seeing […]
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About DiversifyRx
DiversifyRx is dedicated to helping pharmacy owners kick a$$. We strongly believe the key to success is diversifying your revenue streams and maximizing each opportunity that is right for you. DiversifyRx was created by pharmacy owners for pharmacy owners. We have experienced a lot of triumphs and disasters and want to share our knowledge with you. This site contains affiliate links to products or services. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.