My goal at DiversifyRx is to make owning a pharmacy fun and profitable again. Empowering your independent pharmacy employees is a great way to reduce your burden and have happy employees.
Running an independent pharmacy is both rewarding and challenging. We face constant pressure to deliver exceptional patient care while managing a myriad of operational details. One key to success lies in how effectively we lead and empower our pharmacy employees.
As a fellow pharmacy owner, I want to share some insights and strategies that have helped me empower my team. I hope they help you.
The Importance of Clear Communication
Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful team. In my early years as a pharmacy owner, I failed at this miserably. I would often come back from conferences and events brimming with new ideas. In my rush to implement I would spew the ideas and the outcomes I wanted to the team. It never dawned on me that they didn’t know what I was thinking! I know it sounds so obvious, but in the moment I figured they would know what to do by me telling them what I wanted to accomplish.
This lack of clarity and direction led to chaos and burnout, and our progress was inconsistent. Society talks about the difference between male and female communication and how easily it can get confused because of each gender’s unique perspective. I think the exact same is true for owners and employees. Employees have a different way of thinking than owners do. And what may seem obvious to you isn’t to others.
I learned the hard lesson to be clear, not cute, in all communications. I explain things like my audience is ten-year-olds. That is NOT an insult to intelligence. What that does is force you (the explainer) to make things ultra clear and concise, not use jargon and shortcuts in your language. This trick has helped me excel in explaining ideas and outcomes in ways that everyone can understand. I am surely much more successful because of this.
Empowering Pharmacy Employees Through Prioritizing and Setting Deadlines
One of the most valuable delegation lessons I’ve learned is the power of prioritization. When presenting new ideas to my team, I discuss their current projects and workloads. For instance, if I approach my team member, Connie, with three new initiatives, she might tell me, “I’m currently working on seven other tasks. Which ones should take priority?”
This conversation helps us align our priorities. We might decide that one initiative is critical and needs to be completed within a week, while the other two can be scheduled for later. Setting clear deadlines—by when each task should be completed—ensures accountability and prevents misunderstandings.
If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority. You can’t expect your employees to prioritize tasks and projects automatically like you would. Helping make it clear what should be first, second, and so on is a critical part of improving the effectiveness of your team communication. Once you have laid out the priorities, your employees have the freedom to tackle the problems the best way they see fit. It gives them power over their to-do list.
Empowering Pharmacy Employees Through Understanding
As leaders, it’s essential to empower our teams by providing context and understanding—the ‘why’. When assigning tasks, I firmly believe you should explain the context and reasons behind them. This helps your team members ‘buy-in’ to your goal. If they believe in the outcome, the work to get there is more meaningful.
For example, I could ask Connie to give me a set of reports by tomorrow. Simple enough. If Connie doesn’t understand the importance of the ask or why I need it, there is a chance she might blow it off. Some fire is always happening in an independent pharmacy. Instead, if I provide additional context, it can completely change the task. I could ask Connie to give me a set of reports by tomorrow because we have an insurance audit due, and I need to perform a pre-audit check. This additional context helps Connie understand the importance of the task. Taking the extra moment to provide the ‘why’, helps pharmacy employees see the value of their work and enables them to execute tasks more effectively.
The Value of Regular Check-ins
Oh boy, I royally messed this up early in my career. I treated delegation like abdication. Again, it sounds absurd, but I assumed employees would know how to break down bigger jobs into smaller tasks. They could keep themselves on track and would reach out for help when needed. Yeah… that is not how the real world works!
Regular check-ins are crucial for maintaining momentum and addressing potential roadblocks. Imagine you’re renovating a house and simply tell your contractor, “Make it nice. See you in a month.” This lack of detail is a recipe for disaster. Instead, provide specific instructions and check in regularly.
Similarly, in your pharmacy, set clear expectations for each project and check in with your team every few days or so.
Here are some questions to ask. Have a mix of open-ended and yes/no types.
- Is everything on track?
- How do you feel about the project?
- Do you need additional resources?
- How can I support you?
- Is there anything standing in your way from finishing on time?
These check-ins ensure that everyone stays aligned and any issues are promptly addressed. They also demonstrate your commitment to supporting your team and fostering a collaborative environment, providing a sense of reassurance and support. Regular check-ins not only maintain momentum but also allow for the early identification and resolution of potential roadblocks, further enhancing the team’s sense of security and confidence.
Practical Steps for Implementing These Strategies
1. Filter and Focus: After attending conferences or reading new industry insights, take the time to filter the information. Identify the top three ideas that align with your pharmacy’s current goals and capabilities. Present these ideas to your team with clear priorities and deadlines.
2. Discuss Workloads: Before implementing new initiatives, discuss your team’s current workloads. This dialogue helps you understand their capacity and set realistic expectations. It also shows that you respect their time and contributions.
3. Set Clear Deadlines: Always provide clear deadlines for tasks. Use the phrase “by when” to ensure that everyone understands the timeframe. If a team member doesn’t know the deadline, encourage them to ask.
4. Explain the ‘Why’: When assigning tasks, explain why they are important. This understanding helps team members see the bigger picture and how their work contributes to the pharmacy’s success.
5. Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins to monitor progress and address any issues. Use these sessions to provide support and ensure that projects are on track.
6. Encourage Questions: Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable asking questions. This openness ensures that everyone has the information they need to succeed, empowering them and fostering engagement. By encouraging questions, you not only ensure that everyone is on the same page but also empower your team members to take an active role in their work, fostering a sense of engagement and ownership.
Building a Culture of Communication and Clarity
Effective leadership is not just about giving orders but about building a culture of communication and clarity. By fostering an environment where team members feel valued and understood, you create a more cohesive and motivated workforce. Here’s how you can build this culture in your pharmacy:
– Lead by Example: Demonstrate the communication practices you want your team to follow. Be open, transparent, and approachable.
– Encourage Feedback: Create opportunities for team members to provide feedback. This could be through regular meetings, suggestion boxes, or anonymous surveys.
-Recognize and Reward: Acknowledge your team’s hard work and achievements. Recognition can be a powerful motivator and help build a positive work environment. By recognizing and rewarding your team’s efforts, you not only boost morale but also show that you value their contributions, fostering a sense of appreciation and motivation.
– Provide Training and Development: Invest in the professional growth of your team. Offer training sessions, workshops, and opportunities for advancement. This not only enhances their skills but also shows that you are committed to their development.
*Tip: sending employees to an event like our Pharmacy Profit Summit has proven time and time again with hundreds of pharmacies to improve their pharmacy employees’ enthusiasm, commitment, production, and overall team morale. Learn more about our next summit HERE.
Real-World Application
You won’t get it right the first time. That is okay. I was horrible at all of this at the beginning of my career. I got better, and so can you. Start small and add over time. How fast you go will depend on you, your team, and the interpersonal dynamics unique to each independent pharmacy.
Focus on applying these strategies in your pharmacy, and you’ll see the benefits in both team morale and business performance. Here’s to your continued growth and success!
Please check out our free resources for all pharmacy owners available on our main website.