How to Have a Holly Jolly Hempmas from Ananda Professional

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With the upcoming holidays, let’s talk about leveraging Ananda Professional’s brand-spanking-new packages to help boost patient satisfaction and pharmacy profits!

During the holidays, people are in the buying spirit. They are looking for gifts for others and will often choose a little something for themselves. Now is the perfect time to highlight the awesomeness of Ananda Professional’s products. 

Ananda’s unique products can help your patients with those minor aches and pains and even help them sleep after a stressful family dinner. Once you look at the bundles they have put together, you will love them as much as I do. They are practical and help reduce the cost for the patient as well—all without sacrificing pharmacy profit. 

I will use six tactics in my pharmacies to help increase the sales of these products, and I want to share these tips with you!

Create Employee Incentives

The first tip is to create employee incentives for selling these products. This way, your employees have skin in the game, adding extra fun to the work day. 

There is no shortage of ways you can form employee incentives. Before you decide, consider which employees will be responsible for selling the products. Will it only be your cashiers? Will your pharmacists or technicians be involved? This answer will help you determine the right bonus structure. 

An example of an individual employee bonus is to give $5 for each bundle sold. If you take a team approach, you can put $5 from each sale into a pool of money spent on the whole team. Rewards don’t have to be money. You could do tickets for each product and then conduct a drawing for a prize. 

Most importantly, train your team on the products and have them practice talking about them before talking to a patient about them. 

Have Ananda Professional’s Products by the Front Register

Do whatever you can to create some counter space near the register. You will trigger many impulse conversations and purchases by having them easily reachable. Train your employees to ask, have you seen our new CBD bundles? They offer great product combinations and significant discounts. 

Pay attention to your waiting area, too. Having the products near where patients sit can help drive purchases as well. It is highly recommended to have your boutique produces in multiple places.

Hype Up the Savings

Let your patients know that getting the bundles is a killer deal. Ananda’s marketing flyers highlight the percentage of savings for each bundle. Highlighting discounts is a proven strategy for increasing present purchases. You can frame it as dollars off or a percentage of savings. Try a few different ways to improve the appeal to as many patients as possible. 

Use Customer Incentives

We have discussed employee incentives; now, let’s have fun with your customers and patients.

People love giveaways. You could give a ticket for each bundle purchase that goes into a drawing for a prize. You can offer AirPods or tablets or gift certificates to local businesses. During the holidays, restaurants often do bonus gift card specials. Buy a $100 card and get a bonus $20 card. 

You can support local businesses and have some fun with your patients. Whether it’s raffle tickets or bonus buys, there are many ways to incentivize and gamify purchasing a product around the holidays.

Use Social Media

We love social media and live video marketing. It is a great way to get the word out about your pharmacy and your products or services for free.

You don’t have to pay for advertising.

In fact, with anything to do with CBD, you never ever want to pay for advertising, whether it’s boosting or advertising. Doing so goes against all the social media networks’ policies. 

Live video is one of the best ways to market CBD because you can say and show whatever you want. Film short videos talking about the product and how it can be used. Or talk about a common problem and encourage people to come to the pharmacy for affordable solutions. 

Bag Stuffers

Bag stuffers are a great way to tell people about a special offer. Put one in every single bag that goes out of your pharmacy.

Let everybody know that you have some fabulous bundles available.

Talk about the benefits; talk about how it’s a unique gift.

Talk about how when you don’t know what to buy for somebody, buy them some health and wellness products.

Don’t forget about the pets. People love buying gifts for their pets and even pets of friends and family. 

Wrap Up

I highly recommend looking at the bundles that Ananda Professional has put together.

I am personally buying the middle package they offer for most of our pharmacies. It is the best fit for our sales volume, AND we also get a little bit of that bonus credit. It is a great way to test and see what sells better.

The really cool thing about these bundles is the packaging is evergreen; you’re not forced to sell these by Christmas. Ananda will change the shelf marketing to the season, but you can leave the products as is. 

If you have any questions about promoting these products during the holidays, please feel free to reach out to us. My email is [email protected]. You can also catch us on social media everywhere.

If you are interested in getting an Ananda Professional account or ordering these products, I recommend reaching out to Blake. He is the dedicated rep for DiversifyRx pharmacies. 

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    DiversifyRx is dedicated to helping pharmacy owners kick ass and create profitable, thriving pharmacies. We strongly believe the key to success is diversifying your revenue streams and maximizing each opportunity that is right for you. DiversifyRx was created by a pharmacy owner for pharmacy owners. We offer tons of free information and our Pharmacy Badass University membership. This site contains affiliate links to products or services. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.

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