6 Supplements That Will Make Your Pharmacy Revenue Soar

6 supplements your pharmacy needs
6 supplements your pharmacy needs

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Take back control of your pharmacy’s profits with these clinically impactful supplements.

As I have been up to my eyeballs in Pharmacy Profit Summit prep for the past few weeks, a few critical themes have continued to pop up. Pharmacy owners are eager to decrease the PBMs’ influence on their business, increase the control of their destiny, and improve profits! Supplements are the perfect prescription!

You receive several benefits when you focus on unique, profitable, and clinically positive supplements in your pharmacy.

  • Happy and healthier patients
  • Engaged and excited employees
  • Fat and happy bottom line

Ready to learn what these supplements are? Let’s go

Here’s the list of supplements I am excited about right now:

  • Approved Medical Solutions
  • Pharmanex & the Biophotonic Scanner
  • Darby Farms
  • PharmaCanna & Zuri CBD
  • Vinco
  • Solutions Rx

By offering these supplements in your pharmacy, you can take an active approach to your patients’ health and the health of your bottom line. Let’s dig in.

Approved Medical Solutions – https://diversifyrx.com/approved-medical-solutions/

They have an all-natural supplement that helps the body produce more nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is critical for normal functioning, and levels naturally begin to decrease around the age of 40. Yes! One more benefit of being 40. Nitric oxide helps with circulation and impacts blood pressure. These can be particularly helpful for patients with hypertension, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, and other conditions.

What I love about Approved Medical Solutions is they also have an easy saliva test. Rather than guessing if you or your patients are deficient in NO and need a boost, you can test for it! Patients want to know whether supplements will work, and with Approved Medical Solutions’ test, they can know for sure. Within just 90 minutes after taking their NO supplement, a patient can retake the saliva test and see their levels improve.

Pharmanex and the Biophotonic Scanner – Antioxidant Scanner

After seeing this scanner over a decade ago on Dr. Oz, I immediately got one in my pharmacy. I began to test everyone. This scanner scans a patient’s palm and gets an antioxidant score. Most patients are much lower than they think they are. Our own bias makes us believe we make better choices and are healthier than we are. This scanner breaks through all of that and gives you a score and a color to let you know where you really stand.

The company that distributes the scanner also makes an incredible line of unique and extremely high-quality supplements. Pharmanex’s supplements are guaranteed to raise your score. They also carry many other lines that deal with aging, weight loss, and many other areas. A great benefit is that patients don’t have to buy their supplements. Patients can choose to change their diet or take other supplements. Then, they can continue to come back to your pharmacy to get an updated score. The scanner is a killer tactic for increasing traffic to your pharmacy.

Darby Farms – darbyfarmswellness.com

This brand is a small, organic, family-owned farm ran by some of the nicest people on the planet. They focus on making the best elderberry products. Elderberry has proven to help boost the immune system in a variety of ways and for various ailments. I highly recommend you stock up before the upcoming cold and flu season. With lockdowns over, all of those school and office germ pools are officially open for business.

PharmaCanna and Zuri CBD – pharmacanna.com zuricbd.com

In general, I am a big fan of CBD. There are so many CBD companies and these three have some great supplements that you should be able to leverage in your pharmacy. PharmaCanna’s CBDream is a perfect recommendation to any patient on sleeping medication or seniors whose Medicare doesn’t cover their sleeping prescriptions. Zuri CBD has a fantastic after sun lotion. Keep this in your beach bag; it works. Ananda Professional has state of the art research and fantastic women’s health and pain related products. Be sure to email Blake to get your DiversifyRx perks from Ananda Professional.

Vinco – vincoinc.com

Vinco has been a friend to independent pharmacies for decades. They have a fantastic full line of clinical supplements and CBD too. I highly recommend you carry products that can’t easily be found in the big box stores. Vinco fits that bill. Some of my favorite products are the liposomal formulations. These are unique, and they will help your patients. I have also been a fan of their arnica for many years.

SolutionsRx – solutionsrxproducts.com

Chris, a pharmacy owner, started this line to help his patients with drug-induced nutrient depletion. He has created unique blends and updates the formulas and ingredients as new research and supply changes happen. When COVID hit, and many ingredients became unavailable, instead of sitting on the sidelines as many companies were forced to, Chris quickly responded and sourced other ingredients so patients could still benefit from supplements. A great added benefit of working with SolutionsRx is their training and commitment to your success. Their program is very effective.

If you are eager to take control of your profits while bringing more health to your patients, then these supplements are worth looking into. Increasing your cash-based revenue is one of the 6 Pillars of Pharmacy Profitability. At the upcoming Pharmacy Profit Summit Live, we are spending a considerable amount of time to help attendees develop more cash-based revenue and kick the PBM revenue habit. For more information about the Pharmacy Profit Summit Live, click HERE. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

  • DiversifyRx

    About DiversifyRx

    DiversifyRx is dedicated to helping pharmacy owners kick ass and create profitable, thriving pharmacies. We strongly believe the key to success is diversifying your revenue streams and maximizing each opportunity that is right for you. DiversifyRx was created by a pharmacy owner for pharmacy owners. We offer tons of free information and our Pharmacy Badass University membership. This site contains affiliate links to products or services. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.

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