Mobile MediClaim

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Mobile MediClaim is the ONLY Certified EHR System That Supports Independent Pharmacy Practice

The All Inclusive Software for pharmacists and independent practice.


With over 35+ years experience in medical and pharmacy claim billing, Mobile MediClaim ensures your success.


Mobile MediClaim understands how to get you paid for all of your encounters. We get you credentialed and contracted with your preferred payers. Our team will take you through the process of documenting your clinical encounters so that our medical billing team can submit them for payment. 

All Your Clinical Medical & Billing Solutions In One Place

How will Mobile MediClaim help your pharmacy?

Your office at your fingertips

We think the clinical process should be easy. Submit claims, connect with physicians, document encounters, all with the click of a button.

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Contracting and Credentialing

We will get you in network with any medical carrier. Yep, it's that easy. Our team has over 40 years of experience getting you ready to get paid. You pick the plans, we connect you to the network. BOOM, you will be ready to bill within a few months. 

Medical Billing made EASY

We heard you. You want to be able to get paid for your services and stop those additional fees. So, we made it happen. Mobile MediClaim gives you access to medical billing. The best part? No third parties required. Your money is yours.

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All Your Clinical Medical & Billing Solutions In One Place

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